Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs

  • Title: Associated Laboratory for the Analysis of RiboNucleic Acids

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • McGill University (Canada) - REUSSI Program - Jerome Waldispuhl

  • Start year: 2017

  • See also: https://team.inria.fr/alarna/

  • RiboNucleic Acids (RNAs) are ubiquitous biomolecules whose structure, adopted as the outcome of a complex folding process, often plays a crucial part in cellular processes. The ALARNA Associate Team (Laboratory for the Analysis of RiboNucleic Acids), which consist of the AMIBio project-team (Inria Saclay/Ecole Polytechnique, France) and the CSB (Computer Science and Biology) group at university McGill (Montreal, Canada), addresses key questions in RNA bioinformatics. More specifically, it dedicates much of its effort to the production and interpretation of chemical probing data generated by SHAPE, an experimental technology which allows to accurately predict, in a high-throughput, one or several secondary structure(s) adopted by an RNA. To that end, the teams contribute their unique combinations of expertise, ranging from combinatorial optimization to sequence algorithmics through structural bioinformatics.

Informal International Partners

AMIBio enjoys regular interactions with the following institutions:

  • TBI, University of Vienna (Austria). Within the RNALands project funded by the Austrian FWF and the french ANR, we frequently interact with our partners at the TBI, on projects associated with the kinetics of RNAs. Over the course of 2017, we have visited our partners twice, once in Vienna and once in Bled (Slovenia) over the course of the 2017 Winter retreat of the TBI. Additionally, Andrea Tanzer has visited AMIBio for a month in Oct 2018, funded by a visiting scholar program of Ecole Polytechnique;

  • Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada). The Mathematics department at SFU has ongoing projects on RNA design, comparative genomics and RNA structure comparison with our team. M. Mishna (SFU) has visited Inria Saclay in January 2017 to push an ongoing collaboration on 2D walks;

  • McGill University (Montréal, Canada). Following our productive collaboration with J. Waldispühl (Computer Science Dept, McGill), and the recent defense of V. Reinharz's PhD, whose thesis was co-supervised by AMIBio members, we have increased our interactions on SHAPE data analysis through the ALARNA associate team;

  • King's college (London, UK). Our collaboration with L. Mouchard (AMIBio associate) and S. Pissis on string processing and data structures was at the core of Alice Héliou's PhD, defended in July 2017.

Participation in Other International Programs

  • Title: PHC GRO-algo – Combination of time-course GRO-seq assay, algorithmics and software development for measuring genome-wide transcription elongation rates

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Wuhan University (China), College of Life Science – Pr Yu Zhou

  • Start year: 2017

  • Participant in a French-Chinese Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC), supported by CampusFrance and funding bilateral exploratory research exchanges in Bioinformatics. The program involves research scientists from Wuhan University, Ecole Polytechnique and Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Title: Computational methods and databases to identify small RNA-binding molecules regulating gene expression

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University McGill (Canada), Computer Science & Biochemistry – J. Waldispühl, N. Moitessier; Univ. Strasbourg, IBMC - E. Westhof.

  • Start year: 2017

  • The project, headed by N. Moitessier and J. Waldispühl (McGill University, Canada) strives to develop tools to derive a mechanical understanding of riboswitches at the 2D and 3D levels, including chemoinformatics aspects.